Friday, July 22, 2005

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civil wedding emcee, justice of the peace symbol with experience, reliability, credibility.
I officiated many ceremonies, but no two weddings are the same. I've seen weddings worth living, thanks to the love of those who participate in them.
Some prefer to have a wedding ceremony representation similar to the official, but I always say they want a wedding pleasant, natural, participatory, and most importantly, consistent with their thinking. For my personal philosophy, I do not accept ideas like "mock wedding", "fictitious ceremony." I think it is beyond the taboo is true or not "and that everyone is entitled to choose how to hold a private ceremony, without deceit and without pretending. For me, the truth is what comes from within, are new times that are gradually changing the tradition, to something more real and alive.

My gratitude to all who have trusted me to hold your civil wedding. Carlos Villalta

phone 651 126 710

Photo Album ceremonies: